[EN] Application as Designer/Content


Mai 7, 2022
Datacenter in FFM
This topic lists all the important points you need to consider when applying for a job as a designer or content producer. In this way, we also create a central contact point for future applicants to become a designer or content producer.

Requirements as a designer or content producer

  • minimum age of 14 years
  • a high level of creativity & ability to work in a team
  • advanced knowledge in video production or with Adobe products
  • a special degree of discretion
  • basic knowledge in dealing with Discord

Your application

  • Please write your application in this forum.
  • Briefly introduce yourself there.
  • Report on your experiences in dealing with the above-mentioned points.
  • Ideally, add a maximum of 10 pictures of completed projects that you have built to your application, so that we can also examine them in terms of skills.


  1. If you are interested in joining our team as a designer or content producer, you can submit your application in this forum. How you design it is entirely up to you - but you should include references with your application. This means that if you do not send references in the form of pictures with your application, you have no chance of being able to support the team as a designer or content producer.
  2. Once you have submitted your application, it will take a few days for it to be processed by our team. It is possible that in the middle of the application phase, applications are already being evaluated and new designers or content producers are being integrated into the team. However, just because new team members have joined the team does not automatically mean that all other applicants have been rejected.
  3. After your application has been assessed, you will be invited to an interview, which will last approximately 20 minutes. Other team members may be present at this interview.
  4. Whether you are invited for an interview, accepted directly or rejected directly, you will definitely receive feedback from us.
    After you have passed the interview and we have decided on you, you will be integrated into our team. In your initial period, you will be in a four to six-week test phase. During this time, you should prove yourself!

Über uns

  • Unsere Community gibt es schon seit vielen Jahren und wir sind stolz darauf, unvoreingenommene, kritische Diskussionen zwischen Menschen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund zu bieten. Wir arbeiten jeden Tag daran, dass unsere Community eine der besten ist.


  • Die Administration arbeitet sehr hart daran, Ihnen einzigartige, ursprünglich erstellte Inhalte zu bieten. Der Kauf von Rängen und Tokens hilft uns dabei, mehr und hochwertigere Inhalte zu erstellen.
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